Immune Boosting Chai Tea + Recipe
Alright, you all! I’m finally pulling this blog together! In time for some super cold and snowy months up here in Minnesota. And possibly gift giving? Honestly, everyone should have this in their cupboard to pull out on the regular. I make it easy but assembling these kits for you if you don’t want to buy all of the ingredients yourself. Speaking of which, here is what I include in mine and why. mmm. Chai. Enjoy!
Cinnamon, sweet or true or Ceylon: I have recently switched to sweet. It’s delicious and better for you. More expensive but worth it. Only the best for you!
Cinnamon is a great antibacterial, antiviral and anti inflammatory. Great for cold and flu season. It also helps increase circulation. Perfect! We use cinnamon or gui zhi a lot in Chinese herbal formulas because it is so versatile and so beneficial. Here is a bit more about why I use Ceylon or sweet over cassia for the Chai. Enjoy frequently!
Ginger: A panacea for everything! Antiviral, antibacterial, warms the body and helps settle the stomach. Ginger should be used on the daily. I put it in everything! Especially in Chai. This is another widely used herb in Chinese medicine, gan jiang or sheng jiang.
Cardamon: great for infections and antiviral. It is anti inflammatory and great for the digestion. It may even have some awesome cancer fighting abilities! And I love it. I’m heavy handed with this one in my recipes. You’ll see. This herb is called sha ren in Chinese medicine and is used to even help with vomiting and diarrhea and other distressed digestive issues. Ahem, norovirus…..Can you tell I have kids. Ha!
Astragulus: amazing immune booting herb that strengthens the body and it protects the liver and helps with digestion. Really, its amazing. I’ve even read studies where it helps considerably against some of the cocksackie viruses. My kids get a hint of Hand Foot Mouth, this chai made with a boat load of astragulus or huang qi, goes down the hatch! Another VERY commonly used herb in Chinese medicine.
Burdock: This guy is harvested in the fall, It should be a dead giveaway that it is perfect for those things that ail us in fall and winter. And it does! It helps the blood and lymphatic system, helping to keep you healthy and move the crap on out of the body. It helps to soothe sore and scratchy throats too. And its great for skin rashes! Perfect for cold and flu season! Especially with kiddos that can easily get hives and/or rashes from illnesses. Oh and again, its been used in China for forever. Its called Niu Bang Zi.
Orange peel: Not only a nice hit of vitamin C and I think chai needs that orange taste. mmm. It is also an amazing healer! It is great for the tummy and coughs and it helps balance out some of the other ingredients, like the burdock, astragulus and echinacea. It important to have balance! Even with good for you things. This is also many Chinese formulas. Well, mine. My tummy always needs a little TLC. It’s called Chen Pi
Clove: or ding xiang, is anti everything. anti parasitic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal….and it tastes good. I threw a bit in for ya.
Black Pepper: Its hot and spicy so it might seem like a contradiction, but this common spice is ant inflammatory. And it helps give the chai a kick. It also gives you a nice kick of minerals and vitamins.
Echinacea: Hello White blood cell count! Increase immune system function. You need this to help fend off or truly kick a cold..
Fennel: another herb that is wonderful for the digestive system, it helps with mucus and cough and gets you feeling better.
These are the powerhouses in my recipe that I’m sharing with you. Enjoy! And let me know if you would like a kit of your own. I’ll get one out to you.
Immune Boost Chai Tea
2 Tablespoons, Cinnamon chips (or a couple sticks, I reuse them a couple of times)
2 Tablespoons, dried citrus peel, Or a couple big chunks, dried, from your orange.
1 Tablespoon, Cardamon pods, cracked, I just use the flat side of my chopping knife
1 Tablespoon, Burdock root, dried
1 teaspoon, black peppercorn
1 teaspoon, dried ginger root
5 pieces, astragulus root
10 cloves, (about 1 teaspoon)
1/2 teaspoon, echinacea
1/4 teaspoon, fennel
Add ingredients to 5 cups water and bring to a light boil. Turn down to a simmer and simmer, with cover on, for about 45 minutes. Strain herbs out and compost. Add honey or sweetener of choice. When ready to drink, mix half of the Chai tea with 1/2 milk of choice. Enjoy! Store the rest, if there is any, in the fridge. Kids love this too!
Here is where I get most of my organic ingredients. I find the quality is always excellent. I have never been disappointed. Mountain Rose Herbs