What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an amazing and complete medical system that treats not only acute conditions but chronic. It uncovers and effectively treats, not only the obvious symptoms, but the root causes of what ails the body and mind, as well. It is thousands of years old and continues to grow and expand in its rich healing traditions and clinical uses. While it’s common for acupuncture doctors to practice in hospitals throughout Asia, it is relatively new in the US.
However, if the growth of acupuncture in large medical systems such as Mayo, Cleveland and Allina, to name just a few, are any indication as to how effective acupuncture and associated modalities are, acupuncturists and their herbal pharmacies are on their way to becoming commonplace. With this growth comes trove of evidenced based research and clearer medical understanding of how exactly acupuncture works and why it’s so effective in such a wide range of applications.
In our clinic...
Your provider may use acupuncture, cupping, moxabustion, herbs, tui na, and nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to guide and help you get to your health and wellness goals.
HOW IT's effective for fertility
Infertility To Pregnancy With Acupuncture & Herbs
acupuncture & pregnancy
how it works
Effect of Acupuncture on Neurotransmitters/Modulators
Acupuncture Regulates the Nervous System Research
what the Mayo say about Acupuncture
Mayo Clinic: Acupuncture Tests and Procedures